- Introduction to JDBC and drivers
- Connection, Statement, and ResultSet
- PreparedStatement and CallableStatement
- Transaction management with JDBC
- Introduction to servlets
- Lifecycle of a servlet
- Request and response handling
- Session management: cookies, HttpSession
- JSP lifecycle and architecture
- JSP scripting elements (declarations,
expressions, scriptlets)
- Implicit objects in JSP
- Using JSTL and custom tags
- Introduction to EJB and its architecture
- Session beans (stateless and stateful)
- Entity beans and Message-Driven beans
- Introduction to JavaMail
- Sending and receiving emails
- Configuring SMTP and IMAP
- SOAP-based web services (using JAX-WS)
- RESTful web services (using JAX-RS)
- Difference between SOAP and REST
- Introduction to Spring and its modules
- Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion
of Control (IoC)
- Spring MVC basics and configuration
- Introduction to ORM and Hibernate
- Configuring Hibernate
- Mapping classes to database tables
- CRUD operations with Hibernate
- Socket programming basics
- DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
- Multithreading and synchronization in
Advanced Java Syllabus 1. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) - Introduction to JDBC and drivers - Connection, Statement, and ResultSet - PreparedStatement and CallableStatement - Transaction management with JDBC
Introduction to Java, Basics of Java Programming, Control Statements, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts, Packages and Interfaces, Exception Handling ext.